Nailart for funn!

A blog about nailart, creativity and life in general! :)


Speed Dial & Bling!



For this look I used Ciate’s Speed Dial and some nail stickers I picked up before I left Korea.


I like the look, but the stickers tend to peel off at the edges after a while. I would only use these for nights out anyway, they wouldn’t last a whole day.


For the top coat I used my new (and first) bottle of Seche Vite. I love it so much, BEST TOP COAT EVER. I always wondered what people were raving about and now I know! I actually found it at Bed Bath and Beyond in DC. Score!



Which topcoat is best?


I was shopping yesterday and while in Aritaum I saw this beautiful nail polish. I’m no stranger to Modi polishes. I’ve blogged/reviewed them before here and here and here. But I’ve never owned this shade before and I fell in love! It’s not as dark as I thought it would be but it looks great on. I was really excited to try it out. It took three light coats to get it perfect. Sometimes the polish kind of separates on the nail. It’s like it’s reacting to the base coat or something. But it’s really easily fixed, just like streaky polish.

When I had it on I couldn’t decide how to glam it up a little. So I picked my four fav options. Modi Matt TopCoat, Modi Golden Glitter, Modi Black and White TopCoat and Revlon regular TopCoat.

I have a favorite but I really want to know which one YOU (my beloved reader)  think is best! Plz let me know. 🙂



PicMonkey Collage


Tinsel Town Sephora by OPI (my swatch marathon) Part Two

This is the second row of polishes.I feel they are more night-time polishes than the top. My fav subtle polish is Thyme For A Mani. My fav bold polish is Just A Little Dangerous.

Justa’ Pinch Of Glitter 17 18

Just A Little Dangerous19 20

I Don’t Bite 21 22

Thyme For A  Mani23 24

Meet Me At The Disco25 26

Leotard Optional27 28

Merry Me 29 30

Break A Leg Warmer 31 32


Tinsel Town Sephora by OPI (my swatch marathon!) Part One


I picked this set up in Sephora when I was in Florida. I was REALLY excited to get home and swatch them all. But, there are a lot of polishes in the set and I got a little burnt out swatching them all! I tried them all on and then put the Only Gold For Me topcoat over all of them. I was really happy with the quality, colors, and range of the polishes in this set. It ticked all the boxes for me. I feel like it’s one I’ll turn to when I’m not sure which color to pick. Also, it’s great for me because I’m pretty bad to buy more subtle colors and this set has a few of those.

My fav subtle shade is A True Romantic. My fav bold color is A Cherry On Top. Enjoy!

I’m Wired 1 2

Already Famous 3 4

A True Romantic 5 6

What Aura Gonna Wear?7 8

And A Cherry On Top 9 10

S-Age Is Just A Number 11 12

I Think I Cayenne13 14

Read My Palm 15 16


Floral French Tip Nail Transfers

When I bought these I assumed they were stickers and that it would be easy to put them on and file them off. Done in ten mins. Simple. But no. That is not what happened.

I opened them and FACEPALM realised they were transfers not stickers. So I went and got some water and started to out them on. This was my first time using transfer tips. NIGHTMARE!!

When you pull them out of the water and put them on your nail they don’t really stick and THEN you have to file off the excess. So what was happening was I was filing and the tip would start moving at the same time! Super frustrating! I ended up putting on the tip and sticking it down with topcoat then filing off the excess.

I was really annoyed and swore I would never use them again. I cursed a lot (my fiance can testify). But then, when I calmed down, I saw how pretty they looked, AND after two days they hadn’t chipped at all. That is some kind of record for me. So, I think I was a bit harsh and  maybe I will use these again. . . maybe.