Nailart for funn!

A blog about nailart, creativity and life in general! :)


Fake Nails

Last week for Halloween I dressed up as a cat. I got to wear my costume twice, once for a party and once at work. For the party I painted my nails and used nail stickers for a french manicure effect, the accent nail was a white cat. Here’s the link to that manicure.

The second time I got to wear my costume it was for work. I am an elementary school teacher in Seoul. Last Friday I decided to use fake nails to go with my costume. I thought they would be less time-consuming than painting my nails. I haven’t worn fake nails since I was a teenager. I quickly remembered why! Initially I was glad that I didn’t need to use glue, the nails came with double-sided little inserts instead. However, I knew as soon as I put them on that they wouldn’t work, not for me. They were too long and really thin, it felt like I was wearing fragile plastic talons. Totally uncomfortable. 

Before I took them off (they lasted about 20 mins) I took a few pictures.

Got any fake nail experiences you’d like to share? Or know of any really great brands?




Happy Halloween!

I co-hosted a Halloween party this weekend and this was my manicure for the occasion! Here’s what I used.


The stickers were great. It was easy to apply them and file/cut off the excess. The next day they peeled right off with no problems. They were a bit thick so you really had to press them down at the edges and make sure they wouldn’t curl back up. Apart from that I loved them.

Accent nail. As you have probably guessed I dressed as a cat for Halloween! Hope everyone had a great weekend, what nail art did you wear for Halloween?